जागरूकता व जवाबदारी से जिम्मेदारी तक! 

Instead of focusing on universal healthcare & Free education (a topic of debate), we prioritize extending the working population's healthspan & wealthiness, a crucial factor for national well-being. 

Whepol Whealth Police®

व्हेपल व्हैल्थ पुलिस®

We are providing not the controversial universal health care & Free education 


Longer Healthspan & wealthiness of the working population which really affects the overall well being of a nation.

Purpose of our business is: 

Helping People, So They Do Perform Better; Physically & Financially; In Their Life


Whealth Police®

व्हेपल व्हैल्थ पुलिस®

Emergency alert services,

Medical alarm monitoring;

Legal advice relating to franchising;

Personal introduction agency services;

Legal consultancy relating to franchising;

Personal growth and motivation consultancy services;

Providing non-medical in-home care services for individuals;

Investigation services relating to the physical safety of persons;

Introductions agency services for arranging personal introductions;

Non-therapeutic counseling rendered to meet the needs of individuals;

Providing personal support services for families of patients with life threatening disorders;

Providing spiritual and philosophical guidance in the field of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Instead of focusing on universal healthcare & Free education (a topic that can be divisive), we're prioritizing extending the working population's healthspan & wealthiness. This will significantly contribute to a nation's overall well-being. 

व्हेपल व्हैल्थ पुलिस®

 Wealth +



W h e p o l

W h e a l t h  P o l i c e®

Instead of focusing on a controversial topic like universal healthcare & Free education, we're prioritizing the health, longevity & wealthiness of our working population. This, in turn, significantly impacts a nation's overall well-being.